What happens when an atheist stands up for free speech when the government favors Christianity? Many people in this country think that patriotism and Christianity go hand in hand, but can a person be a patriot and non-religious? In this episode, Ariel and Austin hear from one feisty and independent man who has devoted his life to crusading for freedom of expression. His journey became world renowned with his lawsuit against the state of Kentucky for denying him the vanity license plate IM GOD.

Update June 2021: Middle of Everywhere is proud to announce that this episode has received a national award from the Public Media Journalists Association, winning First Place in our division’s Podcast Category. See photo below of our award!

Ben Hart in the photo that went viral.  Image courtesy the Freedom From Religion Foundation.

Ben Hart in the photo that went viral. Image courtesy the Freedom From Religion Foundation.


Watch Ben’s acceptance speech for his award Freethinker of the Year here.

Our First Place PMJA Award for this episode!

Our First Place PMJA Award for this episode!

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Eat This, Kentucky!


The Mystical Ellis Madstone